Pineapple S’mores Recipe

February 12, 2019


The Pina Colada S’more

Nothing beats the s’mores experience, but the taste can always be enhanced: Maui-style!

Once you bite into a hot, juicy pineapple in the middle of all the rich sweetness around it, you’ll get it.  It’ll be hard to go back.


  • Bag of medium to large marshmallows
  • Box of Graham Crackersr
  • Chocolate bar of preference (we like it as dark as we can find.)
  • Diced pineapple
  • Shredded coconut (optional)
  • wire hangers and a fire

Most people will say a S’more is a S’more, well we disagree. The better the ingredients, and the more care taken in cooking things, the better everything tastes. Though, we admit, the s’more is only as good as the company you have when making them.

We learned a ton about pineapple on our Maui Pineapple Tour, which we highly suggest. ALOHA!


Yes, this is a sugar/carb bomb.  We use the gluten-free graham crackers and the natural, organic marshmellows and high-cacao dark chocolate to make it a little better, but you have to expect this to be a treat and that’s it.  

  • Protein 5% 5%
  • Carbs 80% 80%
  • Fat 66% 66%

best Maui luaus

Step by Step Instructions

1. Insert Pineapple

Make a small puka in the marshmallow to assist in the pineapple placement. Force the pineapple into the mellow until it’s in the middle.

2. Attach to Wire

Push your wire hanger through the pineapple. You’ll find that you’ll be less likely to lose your marshmallow in the fire this way. The pineapple helps keep it all together and secure.

3. Cook

Cook the smore over an open fire to the desired consistency. If you’re doing the Pina Colada style smore, it’s best to burn the outside of the s’more. If you have a grill or grate to put over the fire (or a flat rock along side the fire) place the graham cracker on it with the chocolate sitting on top. We believe a s’more is best when the graham cracker is toasted and chocolate melted.

4. Assemble

Place the newly cooked pineapple marshmallow on the toasted graham cracker and chocolate. We like to make a sandwich out of it for cleaner eating (if there’s such thing as being clean with a s’more!) You’ll see that the acid and juice from the pineapple cuts the sweetness of everything else. It makes them much easier to eat, which means more will be consumed (not our fault.)

5. Optional Pina Colada S’mores

For an added twist, burn the outside of the marshmallow, then when you assemble it, pull the burned skin off the mellow exposing that lovely melted surface. Take the shredded coconut and place it on a plate. Then roll the newly exposed mellow in the coconut shavings. They’ll stick to it perfectly. Then assemble like normal. For those that want to take it a step further, soak the bits of pineapple in rum beforehand. YUM!

Mahalo Aleworks


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Pineapple S’mores Recipe
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